Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kansans Love Eric Church

The Echo Nest, a music intelligence platform, sampled the preferences of listeners in specific ZIP codes to determine the recording artist that is most distinctive to each state. Their findings for Missouri may surprise some who think the Show-Me state is full of country-loving cowboys. For that, apparently, they can fix their eyes on Kansas. Kansans’ musical taste was most represented by Eric Church, while indie rock band the Shins represented Missouri. 
-Kansas City Star

I'll just start of this blog by saying that I don't know shit about new music. I listen to sports talk radio in the car and haven't bought an album since NOW! That's What I Call Music Volume 5. I am serious. I have never had itunes and my 2nd generation ipod hasn't been updated since my sophomore year of high school. I don't dislike new music I just never really listen to it. The only time I hear new music is when I am at the bar and then I am too busy completely tearing up the dance floor to give a shit what is playing. Dance first. Listen Second. 
So let's first talk about Kansas on this map. As you all know I am a proud Kansan, but I would not consider myself to be country whatsoever. Yeah I have a pair of boots and rock flannels like no ones business, but I live in the burbs and wouldn't survive a day out on the farm. Having said that, when I actually do listen to music (mainly in the shower) my pandora station is always Eric Church. Yeah I said it. I like country music. Does that make me stupid? Probably, but Eric Church fucking shreds and stone colds busch lights at his concerts (yeah I have seen him twice). Guy literally just dumps two 2x4 of busch lisht all over his face every concert. Really power move. So yeah I am not ashamed of my state for loving the badass that is Eric Church. 
Now the Missouri pick is just baffling. The Shins? Obviously didn't know who these guys were so I had to look them up. Listened to a couple songs and never once thought "This is so Missouri." The music isn't bad or anything, but I heard zero references to Meth, not a single word on cousin sex, and absolutely nothing about porn shops. I can't speak for the rest of the state, but here in KC we have like 7 country music stations and 1 alternative rock station. I would presume most of Missouri is similar and I don't think I am gong out on a limb by saying country music is the most popular genre in Missouri. So how can the shins be the most popular in Missouri? Doesn't really make sense to me and I am calling bullshit. 


P.S. I just looked at the rest of the states and recognized about half the names. B.o.B for Iowa? Yeah right. I don't know how they rate the most "distinctive" artist, but this thing has completely lost me.  Fuck it. Eric Church still rocks. 

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