Monday, December 9, 2013

Jack Harry is a Jackass

If you live in the KC area and know anything about sports you probably know the clown that is, Jack Harry. Jack Smack has been on our televisions for what seems like an eternity. This idiot graces us with his presence every night on KSHB (channel 41 NBC). Loves to rip KU and all our success as he cries at night thinking over the failures that comes with being a Missouri fan. The man's hatred towards the hawks knows no bounds. Once claimed KU should not have a football program due to recent failures. (Still the only local team with a BCS victory.. cough cough) Jacky loves claiming KU will not win the big 12 in bball, but somehow is never down on Missouri (a team who has never made the final four). Harry once cried on the radio claiming KU fans were too hard on him. Tears from a man that uses his 3 min of airtime day in and day out to make fun of us "beakers".....

Well last night Jack had a broadcast that he would probably like to forget. Jackson was getting a little too excited about the recent KU loses to CU and Nova and he forgot he was on live TV. Jack blurted out "Gayhawks" like he was back in como as the grand poobah of The Antlers (don't bother looking these fools up). Guy was more excited than a 13 year old boy in the women s section at macy's. You know he had a full chub as he almost yelled it out and was looking for fellow Missouri trash, Frank Boal, to back him up. Frank just laughed it off and headed for commercial.

Now this idiot is claiming he said "Jayhawks." Good luck you schmuck. Hope this ends your sorry ass career you piece of garbage.


P.S. Burban Sports is back. Needed two weeks off to refocus... and I am very lazy and work a ton.

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