Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dwayne Bowe Arrested for Possession

Today in Not Shockedville Dwayne Bowe gets arrested. Late Monday night Mr. Bowe decided on the way back from the airport that he would stop by an pick up a little of the wacky tobacky. Dumbass then proceeds to speed around Riverside and gets himself pulled over. On thing leads to another and the pig finds a little weed. Bowe is arrested and poses for this beautiful mug shot above. 

First off, what the fuck is this cop thinking? It's D-bowe you clown! The monday before the biggest game in like 20 years and your going to arrest our best receiver for possession of weed? Fuck you. People smoke weed buddy. Just because its "illegal" in MO and KS doesn't mean you need to go around enforcing these ridiculous laws like fucking Harvey dent. I don't smoke the marijuana, but I have no problem with what people do to escape reality. I drink beers WHAT? A lot of beers WHAT? If was a cop there would be no way in hell I'm busting some bros for having a little stress relief. Shame on you clown.

Secondly, Dwayne you're an idiot. Get someone from the posy to go get your weed. Smoke it in your house. You make a ton of cash so you don't have to drive around with weed. Get a clue brother. 


P.S. Apparently Bowe asked the cop where sonic was. Idiot. 

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